A library of all past and present projects and publications.

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This is the Projects Page, linked to the Projects Database. This is meant to be the centralized hub for all the materials in this Notion setup for particular projects, as well as a location to do project planning and timelines. If you create a new project below, you will see there are two templates provided to help you get started. The Projects Database allows you to associate projects with individual tasks, research diary entries, and references. This way, you can easily access relevant information for your projects.


<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/FFFFFF/home.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/FFFFFF/home.png" width="40px" /> $\underline{\textcolor{#A67B5B}{\large{\mathcal{Home}}}}$ .


<aside> <img src="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/FFFFFF/sun.png" alt="https://img.icons8.com/ios/250/FFFFFF/sun.png" width="40px" /> $\underline{\textcolor{#A67B5B}{\large{\mathcal{Projects}}}}$

[Project Database Template]
